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The Rock. Eugene Mccluskey. Organ Solo sheet music. Beginning.Translation
The Rock. Eugene Mccluskey. Organ Solo sheet music. Beginning.Original
The Rock. ten festive hymn settings for organ. Composed by Eugene Mccluskey. For organ. 2-staff. Sacred, General, Hymn-Based Collection. Moderately easy. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company. LO.70-1356L. The psalmist referred to God as ". the rock of my salvation. Psalm 89. 26. Here are ten "rock solid" hymn arrangements for organ in praise of God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. They are easy, artistic, and "listener friendly. " You will find them to be especially useful as postludes, but also as preludes and offertories if the service is of a festive nature. The music is printed on two staves, with the pedal part in the bass clef. Each piece is timed, and registrations are provided for all organs. Keep this exciting new collection handy-you will use it often. Immortal Invisible. Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart. All Creatures Of Our God And King. Praise To The Lord. Come Thou Almighty King. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing. On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand. Fantasia On Duke Street. Churchs One Foundation The. Beautiful Savior.Translation
The Rock. ten festive hymn settings for organ. Composed by Eugene Mccluskey. For organ. 2-staff. Sacred, General, Hymn-Based Collection. Moderately easy. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company. LO.70-1356L. The psalmist referred to God as ". the rock of my salvation. Psalm 89. 26. Here are ten "rock solid" hymn arrangements for organ in praise of God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. They are easy, artistic, and "listener friendly. " You will find them to be especially useful as postludes, but also as preludes and offertories if the service is of a festive nature. The music is printed on two staves, with the pedal part in the bass clef. Each piece is timed, and registrations are provided for all organs. Keep this exciting new collection handy-you will use it often. Immortal Invisible. Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart. All Creatures Of Our God And King. Praise To The Lord. Come Thou Almighty King. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing. On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand. Fantasia On Duke Street. Churchs One Foundation The. Beautiful Savior.Popular requests