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51 Pieces from the Modern Repertoire. Various. Piano Solo sheet music. Advanced.Translation
51 Pieces from the Modern Repertoire. Various. Piano Solo sheet music. Advanced.Original
51 Pieces from the Modern Repertoire. Piano Solo. Composed by Various. For Piano. Piano Collection. SMP Level 8. Early Advanced. 276 pages. G. Schirmer #ED1672. Published by G. Schirmer. HL.50327580. ISBN 1423499670. 9x12 inches. Contents. Albeniz. Orientale-Tango, Op. 164, No. 2. Bartok. Bagatelle, Bear Dance, Valse. Ma mie qui danse. , Op. 6, No. 14. Bellini. Pinocchio. Bloch. Chanty. “Poems of the Sea”. John Alden Carpenter. Impromptu. Chabrier. Habanera. Chavez. Prelude. “Ten Preludes”. Debussy. Reverie, Valse Romantique. D'Indy. Aarau. Waltz from Helvetia. , Op. 17, No. 1. Laufenburg. Waltz from Helvetia. , Op. 17, No. 3. Le Chant des Bruyeres. The Song of the Heath. de Falla. Serenata Andaluza. Farwell. Sourwood Mountain, Op. 78, No. 3. Faure. Berceuse, Op. 56, No. 1. Impromptu, Op. 31, No. 2. Fibich. Impression, Op. 44, No. 32. Lukas Foss. Grotesque Dance. Godowsky. Nocturnal Tangier. Grainger. Spoon River. Granados. Rondalla Aragonesa. Griffes. The White Peacock. Guion. The Harmonica, Player. Alley Tunes. Roy Harris. Little Suite. Krenek. The Moon Rises, Op. 83, No. 4. Palmgren. Spring Night, Op. 22, No. 8. Pinto. Marcha do Pequeno Polegar. Tom Thumb's March. Prokofiev. Gavotte, Op. 12, No. 2. Marche, Op. 12, No. 1. Vision Fugitive, Op. 22, No. 16. Rachmaninoff. Elegie, Op. 3, No. 1. Prelude in E Flat, Op. 23, No. 6. Ravel. Jeux d'Eau. Pavane Pour une Infante defunte. Rebikov. Les Demons s'amusent. Reger. Humoresque, Op. 79a, No. 2. Respighi. Notturno. Satie. Gymnopedie. Scriabin. Mazurka, Op. 25, No. 4. Poeme, Op. 69, No. 1. Shostakovitch. Polka. L'Age d'or, Op. 22. Sibelius. Romance, Op. 24, No. 9. Soro. La Hiladora. The Spinner. R. Strauss. An einsamer Quelle. By the Lonely Spring. , Op. 9, No. 2. Traumerei. Revery. , Op. 9, No. 4. Stravinsky. Etude, Op. 7, No. 2. Szymanowski. Etude, Op. 4, No. 3. Thuille. Gavot. 4 and 5-note chords spanning more than an octave. Intricate rhythms and melodies. Prelude In Eb Major Op. 23 No. 6. Gymnopedie. Satie E. Pavane pour une infante defunte. Reverie. Sourwood Mountain. Spoon River. Jota. Rondalla Aragonesa. Habanera. Chabrier. Bagatelle. Bartok. Valse. Ma Mie Qui Danse. Bartok. Pinocchio. Bellini. Chanty. Poems Of Sea. Bloch. Impromptu. Carpenter. Prelude. 10 Preludes. Chavez. Valse Romantique. Debussy. Aarau. Helvetia. D'indy. Laufenburg. Helvetia. D'indy. Le Chant Des Bruyeres. D'indy. Serenata Andaluza. De Falla. Impromptu. Faure. Impression. Fibich. Grotesque Dance. Foss. Nocturnal Tangier. Godowsky. White Peacock,The. Griffes. Harmonica-Player,The. Guion. Little Suite. Harris. Moon Rises,The. Krenek. Spring Night. Palmgren. Tom Thumb's March. Pinto. Jeux D'eau. Ravel. Les Demons S'amusent. Rebikov. Humoresque. Reger. Notturno. Respighi. Mazurka. Scriabin. Poeme. Scriabin. Polka. L'age D'or. shostakovitch. Romance. Sibelius. La Hiladora. Spinner. Soro. By The Lonely Spring. Strauss. Traumerei. Revery. Strauss. Etude,Op.7#2. Stravinsky. Etude. Symanowski. Gavot. Thuille. Gavotte. Prokifieff. Marche. Prokifieff. Vision Fugitive. Prokofieff. Elegie. Rachmaninoff. Berceuse. Faure. Tango. Orientale. Albeniz. Bear Dance.Translation
51 Pieces from the Modern Repertoire. Piano Solo. Composed by Various. For Piano. Piano Collection. SMP Level 8. Early Advanced. 276 pages. Г. Ширмер. Published by G. Schirmer. HL.50327580. ISBN 1423499670. 9x12 inches. Contents. Albeniz. Orientale-Tango, Op. 164, No. 2. Bartok. Bagatelle, Bear Dance, Valse. My love dancing. , Op. 6, No. 14. Bellini. Pinocchio. Bloch. Chanty. “Poems of the Sea”. John Alden Carpenter. Impromptu. Chabrier. Habanera. Chavez. Prelude. “Ten Preludes”. Debussy. Reverie, Valse Romantique. D'Indy. Aarau. Waltz from Helvetia. , Op. 17, No. 1. Laufenburg. Waltz from Helvetia. , Op. 17, No. 3. Le Chant des Bruyeres. The Song of the Heath. Fault. Serenata Andaluza. Farwell. Sourwood Mountain, Op. 78, No. 3. Faure. Berceuse, Op. 56, No. 1. Impromptu, Op. 31, No. 2. Fibich. Impression, Op. 44, No. 32. Lukas Foss. Grotesque Dance. Godowsky. Nocturnal Tangier. Grainger. Spoon River. Granados. Rondalla Aragon. Claws. The White Peacock. Guion. The Harmonica, Player. Alley Tunes. Roy Harris. Little Suite. Krenek. The Moon Rises, Op. 83, No. 4. Palmgren. Spring Night, Op. 22, No. 8. Pinto. Marcha do Pequeno Polegar. Tom Thumb's March. Prokofiev. Gavotte, Op. 12, No. 2. Marche, Op. 12, No. 1. Vision Fugitive, Op. 22, No. 16. Rachmaninoff. Elegie, Op. 3, No. 1. Prelude in E Flat, Op. 23, No. 6. Ravel. Water games. Pavane for a Dead Princess. Rebikov. The Demons have fun. Reger. Humoresque, Op. 79a, No. 2. Respighi. Night. Satie. Gymnopedie. Scriabin. Mazurka, Op. 25, No. 4. Poeme, Op. 69, No. 1. Shostakovitch. Polka. The Golden Age, Op 22. Sibelius. Romance, Op. 24, No. 9. Soro. The Rake. The Spinner. R. Strauss. An einsamer Quelle. By the Lonely Spring. , Op. 9, No. 2. Traumerei. Revery. , Op. 9, No. 4. Stravinsky. Etude, Op. 7, No. 2. Szymanowski. Etude, Op. 4, No. 3. Thuille. Gavot. 4 and 5-note chords spanning more than an octave. Intricate rhythms and melodies. Prelude In Eb Major Op. 23 No. 6. Gymnopedie. Satie E. Pavane pour une infante defunte. Reverie. Sourwood Mountain. Spoon River. Jota. Rondalla Aragon. Habanera. Chabrier. Trifle. Bartok. Valse. Ma Mie Qui Danse. Bartok. Pinocchio. Bellini. Chanty. Poems Of Sea. Bloch. Impromptu. Carpenter. Prelude. 10 Preludes. Chavez. Valse Romantique. Debussy. Aarau. Helvetia. D'indy. Laufenburg. Helvetia. D'indy. Le Chant Des Bruyeres. D'indy. Serenata Andaluza. De Falla. Impromptu. Faure. Impression. Fibich. Grotesque Dance. Foss. Nocturnal Tangier. Godowsky. White Peacock,The. Claws. Harmonica-Player,The. Guion. Little Suite. Harris. Moon Rises,The. Krenek. Spring Night. Palmgren. Tom Thumb's March. Pinto. Water games. Ravel. The Demons Having Fun. Rebikov. Humoresque. Reger. Night. Respighi. Mazurka. Scriabin. Poeme. Scriabin. Polka. L'age D'or. shostakovitch. Romance. Sibelius. The Rake. Spinner. Soro. By The Lonely Spring. Strauss. Traumerei. Revery. Strauss. Этюд, Op.7. Stravinsky. Study. Symanowski. Gavot. Thuille. Gavotte. Prokifieff. Walking. Prokifieff. Vision Fugitive. Prokofieff. Elegie. Rachmaninoff. Lullaby. Faure. Tango. Eastern. Albeniz. Bear Dance.Popular requests