
Sheet music $19.95


Activate. Feb. Mar 12. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Orff Instrument sheet music. Recorder sheet music.


Activate. Feb. Mar 12. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Orff Instrument sheet music. Recorder sheet music.


Activate. Feb. Mar 12. Music, Movement and More. The Music Magazine for Grades K-6. Composed by Jeanette Morgan. For Unison voices, recorder, Orff Instruments, Boomwhackers. Magazine. Published by Heritage Music Press. LO.AC0212. Activate. is an all-you-need resource for the K-6 classroom teacher. Each jam-packed compilation includes. songs to help students discover their voices. opportunities to utilize classroom instruments, from the traditional to the creative. folk dances and other movement activities. and pencil-to-paper games and activities addressing a variety of music concepts. Lesson plans are provided and a CD with numerous complementary recordings is included in each book. You want more. Okay. The National Standards for Music Education are referenced and all student pages are reproducible. Poetry Slam. One Hundred Hungry Ants. The North Wind and the Sun. In a Cabin. Happy Birthday, Moon. These Are Our Presidents. Poetry in Motion. Haiku. The Paddy O'Furniture Jig. "Hoedown" from "Rodeo". The Voices of Opera. Spotlight on Dmitri Shostakovish. Make Your Move. At the Opera Crossword Puzzle. February Calendar. February Calendar Connections. March Calendar. March Calendar Connections. Activate Asks. Diane Lange. Silent E. Ten Little Ladybugs. Exploring Dynamics with Joseph's Cote. From My Classroom to Yours. Teaching Drama. Get to Know Dmitri Shostakovich. Decode DmitriĆ¢s Secrets. Rainy Day Rhythms. A Show and Tell Activity. Who Wrote These. An Irish Jig. Kindergarten Corner. Mmm, Cookies. The Very Busy Spider. Shostakovich's Secrets. Destination Opera. A WebVisit. So Many Musicals.


Activate. Feb. Mar 12. Music, Movement and More. The Music Magazine for Grades K-6. Composed by Jeanette Morgan. For Unison voices, recorder, Orff Instruments, Boomwhackers. Magazine. Published by Heritage Music Press. LO.AC0212. Activate. is an all-you-need resource for the K-6 classroom teacher. Each jam-packed compilation includes. songs to help students discover their voices. opportunities to utilize classroom instruments, from the traditional to the creative. folk dances and other movement activities. and pencil-to-paper games and activities addressing a variety of music concepts. Lesson plans are provided and a CD with numerous complementary recordings is included in each book. You want more. Okay. The National Standards for Music Education are referenced and all student pages are reproducible. Poetry Slam. One Hundred Hungry Ants. The North Wind and the Sun. In a Cabin. Happy Birthday, Moon. These Are Our Presidents. Poetry in Motion. Haiku. The Paddy O'Furniture Jig. "Hoedown" from "Rodeo". The Voices of Opera. Spotlight on Dmitri Shostakovish. Make Your Move. At the Opera Crossword Puzzle. February Calendar. February Calendar Connections. March Calendar. March Calendar Connections. Activate Asks. Diane Lange. Silent E. Ten Little Ladybugs. Exploring Dynamics with Joseph's Cote. From My Classroom to Yours. Teaching Drama. Get to Know Dmitri Shostakovich. Decode DmitriĆ¢s Secrets. Rainy Day Rhythms. A Show and Tell Activity. Who Wrote These. An Irish Jig. Kindergarten Corner. Mmm, Cookies. The Very Busy Spider. Shostakovich's Secrets. Destination Opera. A WebVisit. So Many Musicals.