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String Quartet No. 6. Lochrian. parts. Colin Bayliss. Cello sheet music. Viola sheet music. Violin sheet music. Advanced.


String Quartet No. 6. Lochrian. parts. Colin Bayliss. Cello sheet music. Viola sheet music. Violin sheet music. Advanced.


String Quartet No. 6. Lochrian. parts. composed by Colin Bayliss. 1948-. For String Quartet. 21st Century,20th Century. Advanced. Set of Parts. Published by Colin Bayliss. S0.35497. This was written in the summer of 2000 for the Lochrian Ensemble who were beginning to plan therecording of the complete string quartets. In the context of the other string quartets, here there is a reversionto the classical form, thus giving a balance between the "classical" quartets nos. 1, 2 and 6 and the"kaleidoscopic" quartets nos. 3, 4 and 5. It is in the conventional four movements. -1. Allegro - This movement is in single subject sonata form using one figure. There is much use of quasimodalwriting, especially using the Lochrian and Superlochrian modes, based both on E and C and theMixolydian mode on E, giving a sort of tonality in which the constructional "remainder notes" of the serialrow can be used sparingly. The pull towards a tonality of F is therefore established quickly. Each sectionis rounded off by the metamorphosis of the figure into a sentimental tune, but contrary to expectation,it evolves in the coda into "something completely different" - the opening of Beethoven's F minorstring quartet Op. 95.2. Scherzo - Wobblefunk and Tango After the last movement's ending has dispelled any seriousness, thestage is set for an outrageous scherzo. After the tango, the wobblefunk section is repeated bar by bar inreverse. Why not. It doesn't make any sense the right way round. Historical note. the term wobblefunk was invented by the composer's son Edmund to describe a typeof subdued electronic crossover style music which he had written. In keeping with the family sense ofhumour, the thought of incorporating such a movement into a serious string quartet appealed to bothparties. Adagio - This movement is tonal and melodic, but introduced by a discordant motif which re-appearsas if to remind the listener of their own mortality. The movement progresses through the cycle of fifthsand then dissolves into a sinister coda related to the notes of the discord. Allegro - This movement can be summed up as accepting life's problems but getting on with enjoyingthe good things as well - in the spirit of the last movement of Beethoven's string quartet Op.135. "Must it be. It must be. " Even if it includes a textural fugue. The ending, however, is decidedly notas clear-cut as Beethoven's. The Score and Parts are available on this site as separate downloadsThe sound sample is the third movement - performed by the Lochrian EnsembleThe complete 6 string quartets performed by the Lochrian Ensemble are available on itunes. see. http. www. dwsolo. com. colinbayliss. and - for this 6th quartet. https. itunes. apple. com. us. album. bayliss-string-quartet-no. -6. id573669350. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.


String Quartet No. 6. Lochrian. parts. composed by Colin Bayliss. 1948-. For String Quartet. 21st Century,20th Century. Advanced. Set of Parts. Published by Colin Bayliss. S0.35497. This was written in the summer of 2000 for the Lochrian Ensemble who were beginning to plan therecording of the complete string quartets. In the context of the other string quartets, here there is a reversionto the classical form, thus giving a balance between the classical quartets nos. 1, 2 and 6 and thekaleidoscopic quartets nos. 3, 4 and 5. It is in the conventional four movements. -1. Allegro - This movement is in single subject sonata form using one figure. There is much use of quasimodalwriting, especially using the Lochrian and Superlochrian modes, based both on E and C and theMixolydian mode on E, giving a sort of tonality in which the constructional remainder notes of the serialrow can be used sparingly. The pull towards a tonality of F is therefore established quickly. Each sectionis rounded off by the metamorphosis of the figure into a sentimental tune, but contrary to expectation,it evolves in the coda into something completely different - the opening of Beethoven's F minorstring quartet Op. 95.2. Scherzo - Wobblefunk and Tango After the last movement's ending has dispelled any seriousness, thestage is set for an outrageous scherzo. After the tango, the wobblefunk section is repeated bar by bar inreverse. Why not. It doesn't make any sense the right way round. Historical note. the term wobblefunk was invented by the composer's son Edmund to describe a typeof subdued electronic crossover style music which he had written. In keeping with the family sense ofhumour, the thought of incorporating such a movement into a serious string quartet appealed to bothparties. Adagio - This movement is tonal and melodic, but introduced by a discordant motif which re-appearsas if to remind the listener of their own mortality. The movement progresses through the cycle of fifthsand then dissolves into a sinister coda related to the notes of the discord. Allegro - This movement can be summed up as accepting life's problems but getting on with enjoyingthe good things as well - in the spirit of the last movement of Beethoven's string quartet Op.135. Must it be. It must be. Even if it includes a textural fugue. The ending, however, is decidedly notas clear-cut as Beethoven's. The Score and Parts are available on this site as separate downloadsThe sound sample is the third movement - performed by the Lochrian EnsembleThe complete 6 string quartets performed by the Lochrian Ensemble are available on itunes. see. http. www. dwsolo. com. colinbayliss. and - for this 6th quartet. https. itunes. apple. com. us. album. bayliss-string-quartet-no. -6. id573669350. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.