
Sheet music $324.95


Beatrice et Benedict Hol. 138. Hector Berlioz. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Baritone Voice sheet music. Bass Voice sheet music. Cornet sheet music. Horn sheet music. Mezzo-Soprano Voice sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Soprano Voice sheet music. Tenor Voice sheet music. Timpani sheet music. Trombone sheet music.


Beatrice et Benedict Hol. 138. Hector Berlioz. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Baritone Voice sheet music. Bass Voice sheet music. Cornet sheet music. Horn sheet music. Mezzo-Soprano Voice sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Soprano Voice sheet music. Tenor Voice sheet music. Timpani sheet music. Trombone sheet music.


Beatrice et Benedict Hol. 138. Opera comique en deux actes. Composed by Hector Berlioz. 1803-1869. Edited by Hugh MacDonald. For 2 soprano voice solos, mezzo-soprano voice solo, tenor voice solo, baritone voice solo, 2 bass voice solos, 5 speakers, SSTTBB choir, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, cornet, 3 trombones, timpani, percussion, strings. This edition. Clothbound, Complete edition, Urtext edition. Clothbound. New Berlioz Edition, Vol. 3. Score. Language. French. Hol. 138. Duration 2 hours, 30 minutes. Published by Baerenreiter Verlag. BA.BA5443. ISBN 9790006471423. With Language. French. 33 x 26 cm inches. Zur Ausgabe und Vorwort. englisch. franzosisch. deutsch. Ouverture. Akt 1. Zwischenakt. Akt 2. Critical Notes. nur englisch. 2 Faksimiles. Anhang. Scenario of "Benedict et Beatrix". ca 1852. Rejected Music.


Beatrice et Benedict Hol. 138. Opera comique en deux actes. Composed by Hector Berlioz. 1803-1869. Edited by Hugh MacDonald. 2 solos for soprano voice, mezzo-soprano voice only, voice only tenor, baritone voice only, 2 bass voice solos, 5 speakers, SSTTBB choir, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, cornet , 3 trombones, timpani, percussion, strings. This edition. Clothbound, Complete edition, Urtext edition. Clothbound. New Berlioz Edition, Vol. 3. Score. Language. French. Hol. 138. Duration 2 hours, 30 minutes. Published by Baerenreiter Verlag. BA.BA5443. ISBN 9790006471423. With Language. French. 33 x 26 cm inches. For output and Foreword. English. franzosisch. German. Opening. Act 1. Interlude. Act 2. Critical Notes. English only. 2 Faksimiles. Appendix. Scenario of "Benedict et Beatrix". ca 1852. Rejected Music.