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Music for Two, Volume 1 - Flute. Oboe. Violin and Flute. Oboe. Violin. Various. Flute sheet music. Oboe sheet music. Violin sheet music. Advanced.Translation
Music for Two, Volume 1 - Flute. Oboe. Violin and Flute. Oboe. Violin. Various. Flute sheet music. Oboe sheet music. Violin sheet music. Advanced.Original
Music for Two, Volume 1 - Flute. Oboe. Violin and Flute. Oboe. Violin. Wedding & Classical Favorites. Composed by Various. Arranged by Daniel Kelley. For Flute. Oboe. Violin and Flute. Oboe. Violin. Duets. Music for Two series. A terrific collection for an occasion including the best of Bach, Beethoven, Brahms. Vivaldi, Mozart, Schubert and more. Wedding, Classical. Intermediate. Advanced. Score with 2 parts. Published by Last Resort Music Publishing. LR.46501. This versatile series is designed to be played by two different instruments. Each duet book is published in score form. both parts on the same page. so that the players can play from the same part. All duets are arranged specifically for the listed instrumentation. Don't miss the other volumes in this series. Air on the G String from Suite #3 in D Major. Allegro from Sonata in F Major, Op. 1 #11. Allegro. Andante from Brandenburg Concerto #2 in F Major. Andante from String Quartet in A minor, Op. 29 "Rosamunde". Arioso from Cantata #156. Be Thou My Vision. Bridal Chorus from Act III of Lohengrin. Canon. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - String Quartet in G Major, K. 525. Menuetto. Romanza. Gigue from Suite #3 in D Major. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring from Cantata #147. March in D Major from the Anna Magdalene Bach Notebook. Meditation From Thais. My Heart Ever Faithful Aria from Cantata #68. Presto from Sonatina in F Major. Rondeau from Orchestral Suite #2 in B Minor. Sheep May Safely Graze from Cantata #208. Traumerei from Kinderscenen, Op. 15, #7. Trumpet Voluntary. Variations on a Theme of Haydn, Op. 56. St. Anthony Chorale. Sicilienne. Vivace from Sonata in F Major for flute.Translation
Music for Two, Volume 1 - Flute. Oboe. Violin and Flute. Oboe. Violin. Wedding . Composed by Various. Arranged by Daniel Kelley. For Flute. Oboe. Violin and Flute. Oboe. Violin. Duets. Music for Two series. A terrific collection for an occasion including the best of Bach, Beethoven, Brahms. Vivaldi, Mozart, Schubert and more. Wedding, Classical. Intermediate. Advanced. Score with 2 parts. Published by Last Resort Music Publishing. LR.46501. This versatile series is designed to be played by two different instruments. Each duet book is published in score form. both parts on the same page. so that the players can play from the same part. All duets are arranged specifically for the listed instrumentation. Don't miss the other volumes in this series. Воздушный на струне соль из сюиты. Allegro из Сонаты фа мажор, соч. 1. Allegro. Анданте из Бранденбургский концерт. Andante from String Quartet in A minor, Op. 29 "Rosamunde". Ариозо из кантаты. Be Thou My Vision. Bridal Chorus from Act III of Lohengrin. Canon. A Little Night Music - String Quartet in G Major, K. 525. Menuetto. Romanza. Жига из сюиты. Jesu Радость желая человека от кантаты. March in D Major from the Anna Magdalene Bach Notebook. Meditation From Thais. Мое сердце С тех Верный Ария из кантаты. Presto from Sonatina in F Major. Рондо из оркестровой сюиты. Овцы Может Безопасное Пасутся от кантаты. Traumerei от Kinderscenen, соч. 15,. Trumpet Voluntary. Variations on a Theme of Haydn, Op. 56. St. Anthony Chorale. Sicilian. Vivace from Sonata in F Major for flute.Popular requests